Monday, November 24, 2014

Evereste Crap Apple

Evereste crap apple in winter. Bird food or the makings of jam! This small tree (8'-10') is easy to grow and disease resistant. Beautiful, fragrant white blossoms in spring. Fruit hangs on all winter. Can be ordered from

Sunday, November 23, 2014

Stone Steps, Blueberries & Metal Veggie Beds

Stone steps were installed in an existing rockery to provide access to a little-used area of this Ballard backyard.

Espalier fruit trees will be panted along the fence. Blueberries and herbs line the top of the rockery. Two metal veggie bins are in the distance. 

Galvanized troughs make great veggie beds! We drill holes in the bottom, put down a layer of drain rock, put landscape fabric on top, and then add planting soil. Notice drip irrigation in beds.